Sagunt Map

Useful Sagunt map, showing the town on the Costa del Azahar, Spain.

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Detailed Street Map of Sagunt (Sagunto)

Sagunt Map - Zoomable street map of Sagunt (Sagunto), a historic town with Roman ruins located to the north of Valencia, on the Costa del Azahar, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Sagunt (Sagunto) and plan your visit to the town. On the map you can also see the surrounding areas of Almenara, Benavites, Faura, Canet d'en Berenguer, Estivella, Petres, Puçol, Puig, Rafelbunyol, Massamagrell and La Pobla de Farnals.

A significant historic town located about 25 kilometres north of Valencia, Sagunt (Sagunto) was the site of a bustling Iberian community as far back as the 5th century BC. Even then the town was walled and fortified, and its Iberian inhabitants traded with passing Phoenician and Greek more: Sagunt.

Sagunt can be accessed from the A-23 or the A-7 motorway, it is about 25 km from Valencia and its airport.

Sagunt Links: Sagunt Guide

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