Guadalest Map

Useful Guadalest map showing the location of the village on the Costa Blanca.

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Detailed Street Map of Guadalest Spain

Guadalest Map: Location map for Guadalest a historic village in the Marina Baixa district of Alicante in south-eastern Spain. Guadalest has a charismatic mountain top castle built by the Moors.

Using controls on this Guadalest map, to get a detailed street map of Guadalest and plan your trip to the Costa Blanca village. It is also possible to view other surrounding towns and villages including Benimantell, Beniarda, Benifato, Chines, Callosa D'En Sarria, Polop, Confrides and Abdet, it is possible to get a street plan for each of these locations.

A charming little village located inland from Benidorm and Altea, Guadalest attracts thousands of visitors. Apart from the fascinating Castell and bell tower, the village has lots of interesting little shops, where you can buy local products and crafts. At the town square you can look down on the amazingly coloured Embalse de Guadalest (reservoir).

Guadalest is situated about 25 km inland from the resort of Benidorm, it is about 1ΒΌ hours drive from Alicante airport. Guadalest is one of the most visited and most photographed attractions on the Costa Blanca.

You can print this Guadalest map, and use for your visit.

Guadalest Info: Guadalest Information - Guadalest Pictures - More Guadalest Images - Guadalest Weather - Guadalest Spain - Castle Picture

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Attractions: Terra Mitica - Aqualandia - Mundomar - Terra Natura - Penon de Ifach - Caves of Canelobre - Fuentes de Algar

Golf Courses: Ifach Golf Club - Real Faula Golf - Spain Golf

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