Interactive Purullena Map

Useful Purullena map, showing the location of the village Andalucia.

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Detailed Street Map of Purullena Spain

Purullena Map: Zoomable street map of Purullena, a small town, well known for its cave houses and situated to the east of Granada in the Andalucia region of southern Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Purullena and plan your visit to the town. It is also possible to view the surrounding towns and villages of BenalĂșa, Guadix, Graena, Marchal, Lopera, Beas de Guadix, Paulenca, Policar and El Bejarin, by zooming out you can see the Sierra Nevada mountains and the historic city of Granada.

The town is famous for its cave houses and one of the residents of Purullena has turned his house into a living museum for the cave house tradition and for a small fee he will personally take you on a guided tour of his house and its museum sections (together set on 3 levels), which were dug out by 6 generations of his family. The caves are dug by hand into a clay hillside, using only pick-axes, they can be up to 4 metres wide and must be dome-shaped to avoid collapse. The finished cave is painted with porous chalk paint and individual cave rooms are separated by curtains (not doors) to allow free circulation of air between more: Purullena.

Purullena Links: Purullena Information - Purullena Weather - Transfers - Granada Guide

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