Interactive Velez-Malaga Map

Useful Velez-Malaga map, showing the location of the town on the Costa del Sol.

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Detailed Street Map of Velez-Malaga Spain

Velez-Malaga Map: Zoomable road map of Velez Malaga, a town and municipality on the Costa del Sol, in Andalucia, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed road map of Velez-Malaga and plan your visit to the town. You can also view other nearby areas of Arenas, Algarrobo, Trapiche, Torre del Mar, Torre del Jaral and Almayate Bajo, you can also see the Baviera Golf Club.

Capital of the Axarquia district of Malaga province, the coastal town of Velez-Malaga has a population of around 67,000 and a municipal area of 156.36 square kilometres. A market town in nature, Velez-Malaga is located just inland from its coastal limb Torre del Mar, its history goes back to Roman times. The childhood home of famous Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes (Don Quixote), Velez-Malaga has some interesting places to visit including the 16th century Palacio del Marques de Beniel, the restored 13th century castle and the San Juan de Bautista church.

Velez-Malaga can be reached from the A-356, the N-340a and the A-7 motorway, it is about 30 km from Malaga.

Velez-Malaga Links: Velez Malaga Weather

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