Street Map of Callosa de Segura

Useful street map of Callosa de Segura, a town on the Costa Blanca, Spain.

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Callosa de Segura Spain Detailed Street Map

Street Map of Callosa de Segura - Zoomable map showing the location of the inland town of Callosa de Segura located in the Vega Baja district of the Costa Blanca, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Callosa de Segura and plan your visit to the town. It is also possible to view other surrounding towns and villages including Dolores, Orihuela, Cox, Almoradi, Catral, Algorfa, Crevillente and Rojales.

Callosa de Segura is overlooked by the Callosa de Segura mountains and can be reached from the A-7 and the AP-7 motorways. Callosa de Segura is 39 kilometres from Murcia airport and 33 kilometres from Alicante airport.

Callosa de Segura Links: Callosa de Segura Guide - Callosa de Segura Map - Callosa de Segura Weather

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