San Pedro de Alcantara Map

Handy San Pedro de Alcantara map, showing the location of the town on the Costa del Sol.

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Detailed Street Map of San Pedro de Alcantara

San Pedro de Alcantara Map: Zoomable street map of San Pedro de Alcantara, a quiet coastal town located ten kilometres to the west of Marbella on the Costa del Sol, southern Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of San Pedro de Alcantara and plan your visit to the resort. It is also possible to view other surrounding towns and villages including Linda Vista, Barrio de EspaƱa, and Nueva Ayalaya, you can also view numerous golf courses such as the Guadalmina Golf Resort.

Located some 10 kilometres west of Marbella, on the Costa del Sol coastline of Andalucia, Spain, the town of San Pedro de Alcantara has a population of around 27,000 and is a quiet mostly unspoilt pueblo, which is becoming increasingly popular as a tranquil holiday destination for those wishing to be away from the glitz and glamour of Marbella and Puerto more: San Pedro de Alcantara.

San Pedro de Alcantara lies on the main N-340 coast road and is about one hours drive from both Gibraltar and Malaga airports, it can also be accessed from the AP-7 (E-15) motorway.

Useful Links: San Pedro de Alcantara Guide - San Pedro de Alcantara Weather

Golf Links: Guadalmina Golf Resort

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