Puerto Mazarron Map

Puerto Mazarron map, property, hotels, car hire, airport transfers, golf, guide.

Detailed Street Map of Puerto Mazarron Murcia

Puerto Mazarron Map (Puerto de Mazarron): Above you can view an interactive Google map of Puerto Mazarron, a popular coastal resort on the Costa Calida, in the Murcia region of Spain.

Use the navigation controls to zoom in and get a detailed street map of Puerto Mazarron, and a handy town centre map for finding your way around the resort. You can also pan around and view nearby towns and villages including the historic town of Mazarron, which is located just inland from its coastal limb, Puerto Mazarron.

Facing the Mediterranean Sea, just 6 kilometres from the town of Mazarron, Puerto Mazarron (Puerto de Mazarron) has a population of around 11,000, and is a popular tourist destination for the Costa Calida (Warm Coast) region. Puerto de Mazarron has some fine sandy beaches, a busy harbour and a good choice of shops, bars and restaurants.

As you can see on this Puerto Mazarron map, the resort can be reached via the N332 coastal road, it is located around 47 kilometres drive from the city of Cartagena, 51 kilometres from Aguilas, and 86 kilometres from the city of Murcia, the closest airport is at San Javier which is around 76 kilometres drive.

Mazarron Links: Mazarron Map - Mazarron Castle

Puerto Mazarron Weather: Weather in Puerto Mazarron

Other Places: Lorca - Totana - Sierra de Espuña - Aguilas - Cabo Cope

Golf Courses: Almanzora Golf Resort - Desert Springs Golf - Spain Golf Courses

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