Gran Alacant Map

Useful Gran Alacant map, showing the location of the town. Car hire, transfers.

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Detailed Street Map of Gran Alacant

Gran Alacant Map - Zoomable road map of Gran Alacant a popular coastal resort located to the north of Santa Pola on the sunny Costa Blanca, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed road map of the Gran Alacant and plan your visit to the resort. It is also possible to view the nearby towns and resorts of Santa Pola, El Altet, Los Arenales del Sol, and also the airport for the region which is situated south of the capital Alicante.

Gran Alacant is a new development of properties situated around 15 kilometres south of Alicante, built behind the sandy beaches of the Costa Blanca, enjoying views over the sea and ideally located for family holidays due to its proximity to Alicante airport (at El Altet) which is only 4 kilometres away. Perfect for a beach holiday or as a base for exploring the beautiful Costa Blanca region, Gran Alacant also enjoys a fabulous Mediterranean climate with over 300 sunny days each year.

Nearby Places: Elche - Rojales - Guardamar del Segura - La Marina - San Fulgencio - Ciudad Quesada - La Mata - El Campello

Attractions: Tabarca Island - Cave Houses Rojales - Rio Safari Elche - Santa Barbara Castle Alicante

Golf Courses: La Finca - La Marquesa Golf - Spain Golf Courses

Related: Torrevieja - Alicante - Murcia - Orihuela - Builders