Maspalomas Map

Useful Maspalomas map, showing the location of the resort on Gran Canaria.

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Detailed Street Map of Maspalomas

Maspalomas Map - Zoomable street map of Maspalomas, a popular seaside resort on the island of Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. Maspalomas lies beside the well known resort of Playa del Ingles and is generally considered a slightly more upmarket resort than its neighbour.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Maspalomas and plan your visit to the resort.

It is also possible to view other surrounding towns and villages including San Augustin, Playa del Aguila, Tarajalillo, Pasito Blanco, El Pajaro, La Playa de Arguinaguin, El Galeon, Puerto Mogan and Patalavaca.

There are a good choice of Maspalomas hotels, for your stay in the resort. We have dedicated pages for certain Maspalomas hotels including the popular Oasis Club Bungalows.

As can be seen on this Maspalomas map, the resort is located at the southern tip of Gran Canaria around 30 kilometres from Las Palmas airport.

Maspalomas Links: Maspalomas Guide - Maspalomas Attractions - Maspalomas Weather

Nearby Places: Playa del Ingles - Meloneras

Attractions: Palmitos Park - Vegueta

Gran Canaria Hotels: Princess Hotel Playa Taurito

Other places you can see using this Maspalomas map: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Puerto Rico - Aguimes - Teror - Arguineguin - Mogan - Playa Taurito - Moya

Airport driving distance to Maspalomas: Las Palmas airport to Maspalomas is a driving distance of 34km.

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