La Marina Map

Useful La Marina map, showing the location of the town on the Costa Blanca.

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Detailed Street Map of La Marina Spain

La Marina Map: Zoomable road map of La Marina, a coastal town and inland urbanization between Santa Pola and Guardamar del Segura on the Costa Blanca, Spain.

To make the most of this La Marina map use the buttons on the top left to 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of La Marina and plan your visit to the town. Also shown on the map are the nearby towns and areas of Guardamar del Segura, San Fulgencio, Rojales, Benijofar, Daya Vieja, Lo Martinez and Formentera del Segura, also shown is the La Marquesa Golf and Country Club, to the north are the Santa Pola salt lakes (Salinas de Santa Pola).

Forming 2 distinct areas, a small coastal town and a large slightly inland urbanization, La Marina is situated on the southern Costa Blanca, between the towns of Guardamar del Segura and Santa Pola. La Marina is a popular area for relocation and has a high percentage of non-spanish residents, mostly of whom are British.

The nearest golf course to La Marina is the La Marquesa golf course in Ciudad Quesada/Rojales, another nearby course is the La Finca course at Algorfa.

The town and urbanization are on either side of the N-332 coast road and can be easily accessed from this highway.

La Marina Links: La Marina Information - La Marina Weather

Airport driving distanses to La Marina: Alicante airport to La Marina is a driving distance of 21 kilometres, Murcia (San Javier) airport to La Marina is a driving distance of 62 kilometres.

Guide to La Marina Costa Blanca

More nearby places you can view on this La Marina map: Almoradi - Algorfa - Rojales - La Mata - Los Montesinos - Catral - San Fulgencio - Ciudad Quesada - Formentera del Segura

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