Interactive Albatera Map

Useful Albatera map, showing the location of the village in the Costa Blanca region of Spain.

Detailed Street Map of Albatera Spain

Albatera Map: Above you will see an interactive Albatera map, giving the location of the village in the province of Alicante, Spain. Using the controls on the top left of the map you can 'zoom' and 'pan' and get a detailed street map of Albatera, or move around to view surrounding towns and villages. By using these features you can see the nearby areas of Cox, San Isidro, Catral, El Realengo, Crevillente, Orihuela, Almoradi and Algorfa.

Albatera is located on the N-340 between Orihuela and Crevillente on the Southern Costa Blanca, Spain, it is also easily accessed from the AP-7 Motorway (junction 78). The closest airports are at Alicante (El Altet) and Murcia (San Javier). Albatera has a population of approximately 9,000 and has a history going back to Roman times. Close by is the Albatera Golf and Country Club.

Albatera can be accessed via the N-340, or the AP-7 (CV-909), it is a driving distance of 41 kilometres from Alicante airport and 60 kilometres from Murcia (San Javier) airport.

Albatera Info: Albatera Guide - Albatera Weather - In Spanish

Nearby places you can view on this Albatera map: Almoradi - Algorfa - Rafal - Benferri - San Bartolome

Related: Orihuela Costa - Torrevieja - Murcia - Orihuela - Cabo Roig - Playa Flamenca - Builders