Tortosa Map

Useful Tortosa map, showing the town on the Costa Dorada, Spain.

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Detailed Street Map of Tortosa Spain

Tortosa Map - Zoomable map of Tortosa a historic border town located on the River Ebro in the extreme south of Catalonia, in Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a closer map of Tortosa and plan your visit to the town. The map shows some surrounding areas and using the 'zoom out' feature you can also view the nearby towns, villages and resorts of Roquetes, Amposta, L'Ampolla, Campredo, Santa Barbara, Camarles, Cap Roig, Calafat and Sant Carles de Rapita, you can also see the Parc Natural del Delta de l'Ebre and important protected wetland area.

Capital of the Baix Ebre district of southern Catalonia's Tarragona province, the town of Tortosa is situated beside the River Ebro and has a population of 34,832 (2007) and a large municipal area of 218.45 square kilometres. Tortosa's ruined castle and ancient town walls, reveal something of the town's past strategic importance and its history goes back to the more here: Tortosa.

Tortosa can be reached via the C-42 from the AP-7 (E-15) motorway, it is around 90 kilometres from Tarragona and 150 kilometres from Barcelona.

Tortosa Links: Tortosa Guide - Tortosa Weather

Costa Dorada Attractions: Port Aventura - River Ebro Fishing

Costa Dorada Golf: Golf Bonmont Terres Noves - Spain Golf Courses

Costa Dorada Places: Altafulla - Cambrils - La Mora - La Pineda - Miami Playa - Mora D'Ebre - Salou - Sitges - Tamarit - Torredembarra

Costa Dorada Cities: Tarragona - Reus - Barcelona

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