La Mora Map

Useful La Mora map showing the town on the Costa Dorada, Spain.

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Detailed Street Map of La Mora Costa Dorada

La Mora Map - Zoomable street map of La Mora a coastal resort located north of Tarragona on the Costa Dorada, Catalonia, Spain. La Mora has one of the most beautiful beaches on the Costa Dorada.

By clicking on the controls on the top left of the map you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed road map of La Mora and organise your trip to the town. The featured map shows some surrounding areas and using the 'zoom out' control you can also view the nearby towns, villages and resorts of Tarragona, Tamarit, Altafulla, Les Botigues del Mar, El Castellot, Clarà, Torredembarra, Monnars, you can also see the Club de Golf Costa Dorada.

Situated in an attractive bay on the outskirts of the historic city of Tarragona, the tranquil resort of La Mora is well away from the mass tourism resorts of Salou and Cambrils. Ideal for a quiet beach style holiday La Mora boasts one of the best beaches on the Costa Dorada and is within easy reach of the attractions of Tarragona. A pretty coastal walk offers you a view of the monastery at Tamarit and lovely views of the coast. La Mora's small promenade offers a selection of bars and restaurants with views of the sea and the ancient Torre de la Mora.

La Mora can be accessed from the A-7 (E-15) motorway or from the N-340a and is 8 kilometres to the north-east of Tarragona, it is about 85 kilometres from Barcelona airport.

Costa Dorada Attractions: Port Aventura - River Ebro Fishing

Costa Dorada Golf: Golf Bonmont Terres Noves - Spain Golf Courses

Costa Dorada Places: Altafulla - Cambrils - La Pineda - Miami Playa - Mora D'Ebre - Salou - Sitges - Tamarit - Torredembarra - Tortosa

Costa Dorada Cities: Tarragona - Reus - Barcelona

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