Tarragona Map

Useful Tarragona map, showing the city on the Costa Dorada, Spain.

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Detailed Street Map of Tarragona Catalonia

Tarragona Map - Zoomable street map of Tarragona a historic city and port located south of Barcelona on the Costa Dorada, Catalonia, Spain. Tarragona has a rich historic and cultural heritage and has many remains from the Roman occupation.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed road map of Tarragona and plan your visit to the city. The map shows some surrounding areas and using the 'zoom out' feature you can also view the nearby towns, villages and resorts of La Pineda, Constanti, Sant Pere i Sant Pau, La Mora, Torredembarra, Roda de Bara, Salou (with Port Aventura), Vilafortuny, Cambrils, Vila-Seca, Reus and Calafell, you can also see the airport at nearby Reus.

A historic city and port located in the southern Catalonia region of Spain, Tarragona has a population of 134,163 (2007) and a municipal area of 181.60 square kilometres, and is the capital of the Tarragona province of Catalonia. Tarragona was extremely important during Roman times and was established as their base for the conquest of the Iberian Peninsular which began in the 3rd century BC. The Roman city was called Tarraco and under Augustus became the capital of the Tarraconesis province of Hispania, it was the most elegant city in........read more: Tarragona.

Tarragona can be accessed from the A-7 (E-15) motorway or from the N-340 and is located between Barcelona and Tortosa, it is about 90 kilometres from Barcelona airport.

Tarragona Links: Tarragona Guide - Tarragona Weather

Costa Dorada Attractions: Port Aventura - River Ebro Fishing

Costa Dorada Golf: Golf Bonmont Terres Noves - Spain Golf Courses

Costa Dorada Places: Altafulla - Cambrils - La Mora - La Pineda - Miami Playa - Mora D'Ebre - Salou - Sitges - Tamarit - Torredembarra - Tortosa

Costa Dorada Cities: Reus - Barcelona

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