La Pineda Map

Useful La Pineda map, showing the resort on the Costa Dorada, Spain.

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Detailed Street Map of La Pineda Costa Dorada

La Pineda Map - Zoomable map of La Pineda a seaside resort situated beside Salou on the Costa Dorada coastline of Catalonia, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a closer map of La Pineda and plan your visit to the resort. The map shows some surrounding areas and using the 'zoom out' feature you can also view the nearby towns, villages and resorts of Salou, Vila-Seca, Vilafortuny, Bonavista, Cambrils, Les Pinedes, La Canonja, Tarragona, Cala Romana and Reus, you can also see the airport to the south-east of Reus.

Part of the municipal area of Vila-Seca, La Pineda is the coastal arm of the town, the entire municipality covers an area of about 21 square kilometres and has a resident population of around 20,000. La Pineda is situated beside the more famous resort of Salou, the biggest tourist centre on the Costa Dorada coastline of Catalonia in Spain. Ideally located just a few minutes drive from Reus International Airport and well placed to enjoy the wonderful facilities of Salou and its renowned Port Aventura theme park, more here: La Pineda.

La Pineda can be accessed from the C-31b which runs between Salou and Tarragona, La Pineda can also be easily accessed from the A-7 motorway, it is close to the cities of Reus and Tarragona and is in fact only 12 kilometres from Reus airport, Barcelona is around 100 kilometres away.

La Pineda Links: La Pineda Guide - La Pineda Weather

Airport driving distances to La Pineda: Reus International airport to La Pineda is a driving distance of 12km, Barcelona El Prat airport to La Pineda is a driving distance of 100km.

Costa Dorada Attractions: Port Aventura - River Ebro Fishing

Costa Dorada Golf: Golf Bonmont Terres Noves - Spain Golf Courses

Costa Dorada Places: Altafulla - Cambrils - La Mora - Miami Playa - Mora D'Ebre - Salou - Sitges - Tamarit - Torredembarra - Tortosa

Costa Dorada Cities: Tarragona - Reus - Barcelona

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