Crevillente Map

Useful Crevillente map, showing the location of the Costa Blanca town.

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Detailed Street Map of Crevillente Spain

Crevillente Map - Street Map of Crevillente Spain - Zoomable road map of Crevillente, an inland town situated near to Elche and Alicante on the Costa Blanca, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Crevillente and plan your visit to the town. By zooming out you can view the nearby towns and areas of Elche, Aspe, Albatera, Catral, Cox, Dolores, Orihuela, La Marina, Hondon de los Frailes, Elda, Novelda and Redovan.

A mostly industrial town located inland of the Costa Blanca coastline, Crevillente is well known for the production of carpets, which have been made there since the 18th century when they were exported all over the world, they were originally made from locally grown esparto grass. Original Iberian and Roman settlements were expanded by the Moors during their occupation of Spain, other products of the area are olives, almonds and citrus fruits.

Worth a visit in Crevillente is the Nuestra SeƱora de Belen church and the nearby El Hondo Nature Reserve.

Crevillente Links: Crevillente Guide

More Nearby Places: Elda - Monforte del Cid - Biar - Castalla - Onil - Agost - Santa Pola - Monovar - Sax - Jijona - Villena - Los Arenales - Hondon de los Frailes - La Marina

Attractions: Rio Safari Elche - Fortuna Spas - Santa Barbara Castle

Golf Courses: La Finca Golf - La Marquesa Golf - Spain Golf

Related: Alicante - Valencia - Murcia - Alicante Transfers - Spain - Builders