Sorbas Map

Useful Sorbas map, showing the town on the Costa Almeria, Spain.

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Deatiled Street Map of Sorbas Almeria

Sorbas Map - Zoomable road map of Sorbas, an inland town and municipality in the province of Almeria, Andalucia, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed road map of the Sorbas and plan your visit to the area. By zooming out you can view other Almeria towns and villages including El Barranco de los Lobos, El Rio de Aguas, Mojonera, Carboneras, Alfaix, Los Gallardos, Nijar and Turre.

A small inland town in the province of Almeria, Sorbas has a population of just under 3,000 and a municipal area of 249 square kilometres. The houses of Sorbas are perched on the edge of the ravine formed by the Rio de Aguas and the town is best known for its production of pottery and ceramics, worth visiting in Sorbas is the 16th century Iglesia de Santa Maria church and the Thursday street market. The town provides a good base for visiting the cave network of the Natural Park Karst en Yesos de Sorbas which is also great for hiking with 23 hiking routes on offer. In the town of Alfaix you can visit the Arab baths of Aneal.

Sorbas stands on the N-340a and can be accessed from the A-7 motorway via the A-1102.

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