Roquetas de Mar Map

Useful Roquetas de Mar map, showing the town on the Costa Almeria.

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Detailed Street Map of Roquetas de Mar

Roquetas de Mar Map - Zoomable road map of Roquetas de Mar, a coastal town and popular holiday destination located in the province of Almeria, Andalucia, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed road map of the Roquetas de Mar and plan your visit to the town. You can also view the areas of Aguadulce, San Agustin, La Mojonera, Vicar, Felix and Enix, you can also see the Club de Golf Playa Serena and the Club de Golf La Envia.

A large coastal town and municipality on the Costa Almeria, Spain, Roquetas de Mar (which means "little rocks of the sea") has a population of just under 70,000 and is, together with Mojacar, one the the regions main seaside resorts with long stretches of sandy beaches and a good range of facilities. Attracting a predominantly Spanish clientele, Roquetas de Mar is becoming increasingly popular with UK and North European visitors. A former fishing village, Roquetas de Mar has a history dating back to the times of the Romans, also a significant Moorish settlement, it has some ancient fortifications including the Castillo de Santa Ana.

Roquetas de Mar can be easily accessed from the A-7 motorway between El Ejido and Almeria, it is about 25 kilometres from the city of Almeria.

Roquetas de Mar Property: Advertise your Roquetas de Mar property on this page: Advertise Here.

Costa Almeria Golf: Almanzora Golf Resort

Costa Almeria Hotels: Mojacar Indalo Hotel

Costa Almeria Places: Almeria - Carboneras - Garrucha - Mojacar - Sorbas - Vera Playa

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