Sant Lluis Map

Useful Sant Lluis map, showing the resort in Menorca, Balearic Islands.

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Detailed Street Map of Sant Lluis Menorca

Sant Lluis Map - Interactive street map of Sant Lluis a small town in the south-east of the island of Menorca.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed road map of Sant Lluis and plan your visit to the town. Also featured on this Sant Lluis map are the areas of Torret, S'Ullastrar, Biniancolla and Trebalugar. By zooming out you can view some popular resorts to the south and also the capital Mahon.

A quaint little town in the south-east of Menorca, Sant Lluis was originally built by the French, after they took control of Menorca in 1756. Some of the original buildings in which the French fleet were garrisoned can still be seen today.

Worth a look in Sant Lluis is the Neo-classical parish church and the Ethnology Museum (Museu Etnológic), houses in a renovated 18th century windmill.

Menorca Golf: Menorca Golf Son Parc - Spanish Golf Courses

Menorca Hotels: Gavilanes Cala Galdana - Valentin Star Cala n Bosch

Areas of Menorca: Menorca South

Menorca Places: Addaya - Arenal D'En Castell - Binibeca - Cala Galdana - Cala n Blanes - Cala n Bosch - Cala n Forcat - Ciutadella - Es Castell - Los Delfines - Mahon - Punta Prima - S'Algar - Son Bou

Other Links: Weather in Menorca

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