Castalla Map

Useful Castalla map showing the location of the Costa Blanca town.

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Detailed Street Map of Castalla Spain

Castalla Map - Street Map of Castalla Spain - Interactive road map of Castalla, a small inland town in the L'AlcoiĆ” district, with a population of about 8,000, it is overlooked by its 11th century Moorish castle, and located in the Alicante province of the Costa Blanca, Spain.

To make the most of this Castalla map use the buttons on the top left to 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Castalla and plan your visit to the town.

Also shown on the map are the nearby towns and villages of Onil, Las Hermosas, Vertedero, and El Campello, by zooming out you can also see Ibi, Tibi and Biar.

Castalla is located to the north of Elche and Alicante and can be accessed from the CV-80 or the A-7 motorway.

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Castalla Links: Castalla Guide - Castalla Weather

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