Cartagena Map

Useful Cartagena map, showing the location of the city on the Costa Calida, Murcia, Spain.

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Detailed Street Map of Cartagena Spain

Cartagena Map: Above you will see an interactive Cartagena map, giving the location of the city on the Costa Calida, Murcia, Spain.

Using the controls on the top left of the map you can 'zoom' and 'pan' and get a detailed street map of Cartagena, or move around to view surrounding towns and villages.

By using these controls you can see the nearby areas of Los Camachos, La Union, La Manga, Murcia, Torre Pacheco and Mazarron.

Cartagena has an interesting history, and was once the capital city of the Carthaginian general Hannibal and was later a major city and trading centre for the Roman Empire. There are a number of interesting archaeological sites to visit in the city including the Punic ramparts, and the Roman augusteum, Cartagena also has many interesting museums to visit.

Cartagena is situated in the province of Murcia in south-eastern Spain.

Cartagena Links: Cartagena Guide - Cartagena Weather - Cartagena Port - Cartagena Museums - Augusteum - Punic Ramparts - Cartagena Article - Cartagena

Golf Courses: Roda Golf Resort - Mar Menor Golf Resort - Spain Golf Courses

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