Map Punta Umbria Costa de la Luz

Useful Punta Umbria map, showing the resort on the Costa de la Luz, situated in Andalucia close to Huelva.

Detailed Street Map of Punta Umbria Spain

Punta Umbria Map - Zoomable street map of Punta Umbria a seaside resort beside Huelva on the Costa de la Luz, Andalucia, in south-western Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Punta Umbria or view the surrounding areas. Punta Umbria has a number of excellent beaches and a choice of hotels and holiday accommodation, the closest airports are located in Seville and Faro, Portugal. Punta Umbria is surrounded by some important wetland areas, including the Marismas del Odiel Natural Park.

Punta Umbria Links: Punta Umbria Guide

Costa de la Luz Places: Ayamonte - Cadiz - Hinojos - Huelva - Isla Canela - Isla Cristina - Tarifa

More Info: Andalucia - Cordoba - Malaga - Gibraltar - Costa del Sol (MAP) - Canary Islands

Spain Info: Map of Spain - Weather in Spain

Related: Costa de la Luz Map - Costa de la Luz Weather - Car Hire - Transfers - Builders