La Palma Map

Useful La Palma map, showing the main towns and resorts of the island.

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Detailed Road Map of La Palma

La Palma Map - Zoomable road map of La Palma a popular tourist destination in the Canary Islands, Spain. La Palma has a good selection of hotels and holiday rental accommodation, some super resorts and a number of beaches.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed road map of La Palma and plan your visit to the island. On the map it is also possible to view the La Palma towns, villages and resorts of Santa Cruz de La Palma, Los Llanos de Aridane, Las Caletas, Tazacorte, El Paso, Puerto Naos, San Nicolas, Las Manchas and Fuencaliente.

La Palma, often called "La Isla Bonita" (The Beautiful Island) is the 5th largest of the 7 main Canary Islands and is by far the greenest and most lush, it has a population of around 85,000 and an area of 706km2, the capital is Santa Cruz de La Palma. La Palma, like the other Canary Islands is a volcanic island and the northern part is dominated by the Caldera de Taburiente volcano which is 9km wide and 1500m deep, it is surrounded by a ring of mountains, this part of La Palma is a National Park.

The most famous structures on La Palma are the water tunnels (minas galerias), which carry water from the mountains to farms, villages and cities, they have been cut into the rock over many centuries. Mass tourism has not yet arrived in La Palma, possibly due to the lack of suitable beaches although there are some popular resorts on the west and east coasts.

La Palma Links: La Palma Guide - La Palma Weather

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