Caravaca de la Cruz Map

Useful Caravaca de la Cruz map, showing the location of the town in the Murcia region of Spain.

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Detailed Street Map of Caravaca de la Cruz

Caravaca de la Cruz Map: Road map of Caravaca de la Cruz one of only 5 Holy Cities in the world as declared by the Vatican, and situated in the region of Murcia, Spain.

Using controls to get a detailed street map of the Caravaca de la Cruz and plan your visit to the town.

Attractions to visit in Caravaca de la Cruz include the Casa de Cultura, the Fiesta Museum, the Archaeological Museum, and of course the sanctuary church, where the famous True Cross is housed.

On this Caravaca de la Cruz map you can view the surrounding Murcian towns and villages of Calasparra, Moratalla, Cehegin, Bullas, Carasquilla, Baranda, Almudema and La Paca.

Caravaca de la Cruz is located on the C-415 from Murcia, it is about 79 kilometres from that city.

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