Cairo Map

Handy interactive Cairo map and guide.

Detailed Street Map of Cairo Egypt

Cairo Map: Above you can see a useful interactive Google map of Cairo, a huge city located in Egypt, in North Africa. The map has zoom and pan features meaning that you can zoom in and get a detailed street map of Cairo city centre or any other part of the city which you wish to visit.

This Cairo map can also be seen in terrain view or satellite view, giving interesting alternative views of the city.

You can also see on this Cairo map, the areas of Bahtim, Salmaniyah, Mit Halfa, Balaqs, Qalag, Burtus, Ausim, Kirdasa, Maadi, Tura and Maasara among others.

With a name meaning "The Conqueror" in Arabic, Cairo is the largest city in Africa and also one of the most densly populated of the world's cities. Its current population is estimated at around 6,758,000, which is spread over an area of some 453km2.

Among the many attractions of Cairo are the Egyptian Museum, displaying many thousands of ancient Egyptian antiquities, the Cairo Tower, the Qahira Fatimid Mosque (founded 972AD), the Mosque-Mausoleum Zaynab, and the historic shopping area, the Khan El-Khalili.

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