Interactive Benijofar Map

Useful Benijofar map, showing the location of the village on the Costa Blanca, Spain.

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Detailed Street Map of Benijofar Spain

Benijofar Map: Above you will see an interactive map of Benijofar, giving the location of the village in the Alicante province of the Costa Blanca, Spain.

Using the controls to get a detailed street map of Benijofar, or move around to view surrounding towns and villages.

By using these features you can see the nearby areas of Rojales, Ciudad Quesada, Daya Vieja and Formentera del Segura.

Benijofar is located to the north of Ciudad Quesada, beside the AP-7 motorway, it can be reached using the CV-905 from Ciudad Quesada, or the CV-920 from Rojales, it is about 53 kilometres from Alicante airport.

Airport driving distances to Benijofar: Murcia (San Javier) airport to Benijofar is a driving distance of 45km, Alicante airport to Benijofar is a driving distance of 53km.

Benijofar Map Links: Benijofar Guide

Nearby Places: Ciudad Quesada - Daya Nueva

Related: Orihuela Costa - Torrevieja - Murcia - Orihuela - Cabo Roig - Builders