Alcaniz Map and Guide

Handy Alcaniz map, and guide to the Aragon town.

Detailed Street Map of Alcaniz Aragon Spain

Alcaniz Map: Featured above is a detailed street map of Alcaniz, a historic town located in the Aragon region of Spain. Handy for your visit to the town, this Alcaniz map is also interactive, enabling you to zoom in or out, pan around, or view in satellite and terrain modes.

Alcaniz Aragon: Dominated by its huge castle (now a parador), and the lofty towers of the Santa Maria church, the town of Alcaniz has a population of around 16,000 and is located in the eastern area of the Aragon region of Spain.

The castle which was once the headquarters of the Order of Calatrava, has been restored, modernised and turned into a ‘parador’, in which you could spend a night or two if you wish, adding a little extra spice to your visit. The castle also offers wonderful views of the town and especially the Colegiata de Santa Maria church, which stands in the Plaza de España and has a fine Baroque façade, also in the Plaza de España is the town hall (Ayuntamiento), with Renaissance and Mudejar elements, and the Lonja (exchange), with its elegant Gothic arches.

As can be seen from the Alcaniz map above, the town can be reached via the N-232 and N-211. Alcaniz is in the eastern part of Aragon, close to its borders with Catalonia and Valencia, it is about 120 kilometres driving distance from Zaragoza and 272 kilometres driving distance from Valencia city, Spain's capital Madrid is 430 kilometres away.

Aragon Information: Aragon Map and Guide

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