Interactive Motril Map

Useful Motril map, showing the location of the large town on the Costa Tropical.

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Detailed Street Map of Motril Costa Tropical

Motril Map: Zoomable road map of Motril a large town with 60,000 inhabitants located on the Costa Tropical (Granada province), in Andalucia, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed road map of Motril and plan your visit to the town. Also shown on this Motril map are the coastal areas of the town including the harbour and Playa Granada, one of the main beaches, by zooming out you can also see Salobrena, Torrenueva, Lobres, La Chucha, and the rest of the Costa Tropical area.

Motril can be reached by way of the N-340 and also the A-7 motorway.

Motril Links: Motril Guide - Motril Weather

Related: Salobrena - Nerja - Torrox - Almunecar - Granada - Builders