Los Urrutias Map

Useful Los Urrutias map, showing the location of the village on the Costa Calida.

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Detailed Street Map of Los Urrutias Spain

Los Urrutias Map: Above you will see an interactive Los Urrutias map, giving the location of the coastal village on the Costa Calida, Murcia, Spain.

Using the controls on the top left of the map you can 'zoom' and 'pan' and get a detailed street map of Los Urrutias, or move around to view surrounding towns and villages. By using these features you can see the nearby areas of Los Nietos, Los Alcazares, Punta Brava, Estrella del Mar and El Algar.

Los Urrutias looks across the Mar Menor to the well known resort of La Manga home of the famous sports resort La Manga Club. Los Urrutias is part of the province of Murcia and is also close to the ancient city of Cartagena.

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