Llanes Weather

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Latest Weather in Llanes Asturias

Llanes Weather - Here is the latest weather for Llanes, a fishing port and coastal resort in Asturias, northern Spain. This weather in Llanes is updated regularly, so you can always see the current weather for Llanes, you can also view a 10 day weather forecast for Llanes. Today's Llanes weather.

A significant fishing port from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries for both deep sea and inshore fleets, at the end of the nineteenth century Llanes was a very busy commercial port and was also used for local journeys, due to the difficulty of travelling by land. It was, however, one of the most dangerous ports in north of Spain, due to its location.

Llanes can be reached via the AS-263 from the N-634 (A-8), it is about 45 kilometres from Oviedo.

Llanes Links: Llanes Guide - Llanes Map

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