Map of Bilbao

Handy Bilbao map, showing the location of the city situated in Basque Country.

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Detailed Road Map of Bilbao Spain

Bilbao Map: Zoomable road map of Bilbao, a large industrial town and port in the Biscay province of the Basque Country in northern Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left of the map you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed road map of Bilbao and plan your visit to the city.

The largest city in the Basque Country, Bilbao has a population of some 353,000 (2007) and extends over a large area along the Nervion River in northern Spain.

Bilbao was founded on the banks of the River Nervion in the year 1300 and grew steadily into the most important commercial and trading centre along Spain's northern coast. During the Industrial Revolution it developed successful shipbuilding, mining and steel industries and was for a time the wealthiest city in Spain. The airport (shown on Bilbao map above) is situated to the north of the city centre.

Bilbao Links: Bilbao Weather

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