Adsubia Map

Adsubia map and guide to the Costa Blanca village sitauted near to the town of Pego.

Street Map of Adsubia Costa Blanca, Spain

Adsubia Map: Above is a map of Adsubia, a small village located to the west of Pego on the Northern Costa Blanca, Spain. Visible on this Adsubia map are the Town Hall of Adsubia (Ayuntamiento) and the Urbanization Les Bassetes, zoom out 2 steps to see the town of Pego, and the villages of Forna and Benirrama.

Adsubia Spain: Situated in the Pego Valley, to the west of the town of Pego, Adsubia has a population of 695 and is a small village and municipality in the Marina Alta district of the Alicante province. Though the origins of the present day settlement date from the Moorish occupation of the region, there is evidence of settlement as far back as the Bronze Age.

Adsubia Places of Interest: Worth a visit in Adsubia are the Castle of Forna, a fortification built by the Knights Templar, the Parish Church of St Vincent Ferrer, and the Canelobre Caves.

Adsubia Events: Important events for Adsubia include the Virgin del Rosario fiesta in the first week in September.

Nearby Places: Oliva - Gandia - Gata de Gorgos - Denia - Vall de Laguar - Gallinera Valley

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