Consuegra Castilla-La Mancha

Handy Consuegra map and town guide.

Detailed Street Map of Consuegra Spain

Consuegra Map: Above you can view a detailed street map of Consuegra, a historic town located in the Castilla-La Mancha region of Spain. Famous for its castle and windmills, Consuegra is a much photographed town. By using the zoom out button on this Consuegra map, you can view the nearby towns and villages of Madridejos, Camuñas, Urda, Turleque, Puerto Lapice and Villafranca de los Caballeros.

Consuegra History and Attractions: Situated in the heart of typical La Mancha country, the town of Consuegra is possibly best known for its ruined 13th century castle, and adjacent row of 12 restored windmills, standing on a ridge overlooking the town and the plains of La Mancha, one of the most photographed subjects in the Castilla-La Mancha region.

The castle, once the HQ of the Knights of St John (Knights of Malta), and several of its rooms have been resorted to how they are thought to have looked when occupied by the Knights themselves. The restored windmills have varies uses, and one, Bolero, is used as the local tourist information centre, others house shops and workshops.

Other places which may interest visitors to Consuegra include the Plaza Mayor and several Mudejar churches, close by at Urda, is a ruined Roman dam.

Also well known for its production of saffron, Consuegra fires one of its windmills into life each year to celebrate the autumn harvest of this valuable commodity.

Modern day Consuegra has a population of around 10,000, it is located to the south of Madrid and south-east of Toledo, it is about 136 kilometres from Madrid.

Castilla-La Mancha Info: Castilla-La Mancha Guide - Castilla-La Mancha Map

Castilla-La Mancha Places: Toledo - Almagro - Siguenza - Valdepenas - Guadalajara - Albacete - Cuenca

Castillo-La Mancha Hotels: TRH Almagro - Parador de Siguenza

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