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Handy Frigiliana map, showing the inland town in the region of Andalucia, Spain.

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Detailed Street Map of Frigiliana Spain

Frigiliana Map: Zoomable road map of Frigiliana a pretty pueblo blanco ("white village") just inland from Nerja on the Costa del Sol, in Andalucia, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed road map of Frigiliana and plan your visit to the village.

By zooming out you can also view the other nearby areas of Nerja, Maro, Cuevas de Nerja (Nerja Caves), Torrox, Torrox Costa, Punta Lara and Cañamiel.

An ancient village with remains of Phoenician and Roman settlements, Frigiliana was the site of a bloody siege and battle during the sixteenth century, when the castle on El Fuerte hill was totally destroyed and its Morisco inhabitants killed or deported. Frigiliana today is one of the prettiest villages in Andalucia and is a popular destination for excursions from nearby Nerja and Torrox.

Well worth a visit if you are in the region, its narrow cobbled streets are lined with attractive whitewashed houses, and its back streets contain many little gift and handicraft shops.

Just 6 km inland from Nerja, Frigiliana is around 56 km from Malaga and its airport.